When I first began my journey to Japanese fluency, textbooks and audio courses on CD were the only realistic ways to make progress with this challenging language. Thankfully, there are now many more options and learning tools available for studying Japanese online.
The challenge students of Japanese now face is one of quality rather than quantity. So, which solutions give you the best bang for your buck?
In my humble opinion, JapanesePod101 is one of the better online courses out there for people who are serious about making significant progress in the language. As promised, I’ve finally got around to writing a complete JapanesePod101 Review, so here goes!
JapanesePod101 Review: Summary
JapanesePod101 uses a combination of video and audio lessons to teach you everything you need to improve your Japanese. The course provides supplementary written materials and listening comprehension exercises that go into more detail for each lesson. This audio + video + written immersive technique has a proven track record of success for students of many languages, and that’s why it’s used by JapanesePod.
In a Nutshell: I’ve been a JapanesePod101 user for a few years now, and overall, it’s been extremely helpful for learning Japanese. No product is perfect, but the JapanesePod101 team consistently produces high-quality content and lessons that are easy to understand, making it an exceptional resource. Highly recommended. Read our full review below.
Overall Score: 4.4
- Quantity and quality of lessons
- Gradually phasing out English
- Extremely thorough lesson materials
- Lack of speaking practice
- Better methods out there for learning Kanji
- Premium options can be expensive
❝ Now I communicate with Japanese people on a daily basis, and I am positive it all has been possible thanks to JapanesePod101.❞ ― Victor Trejo
Why Learn Japanese in the First Place?
Learning a new language is one of the most rewarding skills a person can acquire over the course of their life. It enriches the soul, unlocks new perspectives, and helps to understand different cultures. It can even deepen your understanding of your own language and culture.
Research conducted by universities around the world has shown the immense benefits of learning a new language, with overwhelmingly positive results. A few studies have even gone as far as to suggest that learning new languages increases cognitive abilities in many other areas.
Japanese is spoken by about 123 million people throughout the entirety of Japan and the Japanese diaspora. Those who study Japanese can benefit immensely, whether they are learning it for business purposes or simply to gain a better understanding of their favorite anime or Japanese drama.
The problem is, Japanese is one of the hardest Asian languages to learn and has a reputation for being challenging among both first-time language learners and polyglots alike.
Let’s take a look at how well JapanesePod101 performs as a language learning program and as a set of tools to help you master new words, grammar, and vocabulary.
The Pros: What We Like Most About JapanesePod101
Pro #1: Structured Lessons for Optimal Learning
When it comes to learning a new language, there are two things that are of great importance:
- QUANTITY – That is, listening to and reading a LOT of content.
- QUALITY – Choosing content that is not only interesting and engaging, but also suitable for your current level of knowledge, challenging you just the right amount.
So, how does JapanesePod101 measure up in terms of both quantity and quality?
Well, first off, an incredible amount of content is available. At the time of writing, a JapanesePod101 membership includes almost 7,000 video & audio lessons. Pretty incredible! And the staff continues to add high quality audio and video content regularly. The breakdown by learner level was as follows:
- Absolute Beginner: 2,160 audio and video Lessons and 445 assignments spread over 67 lesson pathways
- Beginner: 1,641 audio and video lessons and 320 assignments spread over 58 modules
- Intermediate: 894 audio and video lessons and 199 assignments spread over 27 modules
- Upper Intermediate: 584 audio and video lessons and 203 assignments spread over 17 modules
- Advanced: 632 audio and video lessons and 124 assignments spread over 17 modules
- Bonus: 1555 audio and video lessons and zero assignments spread over 10 modules
That’s literally 10’s of thousands of hours of content which, if tackled systematically and mastered, would provide a solid base of Japanese proficiency. So it’s double thumbs up on the quantity front for Japanesepod101.
How about quality? The lessons are professionally recorded and engaging. Certainly above and beyond your average Japanese audio course. There was clearly a lot of love and effort put into the content creation. The tutors go out of their way to explain any cultural information and to keep the lessons light hearted and fun.

Pro #2: Gradually Phasing Out English
I do like how English is used for the early lessons, but then gradually lessened and then later removed entirely. This is a nice way to wean you off English over time, until you’re learning 100% in Japanese.
Pro #3: Extremely Thorough Lesson Materials
Another cool aspect of the JapanesePod101 library is the level of detail they have put into the formats and resources provided. With each lesson, you get:
- The complete lesson (audio or video)
- Line-by-line transcript (with recording feature)
- The Japanese dialogue only (no English)
- Lesson notes
- Kanji close-up
- Lesson checklists
- Downloadable MP3 file & PDFs
In short, the resources provided are very thorough. With so many incomplete courses out there, it’s nice to see a provider that cares about its audience and covers all the possible bases.
The Cons: Things We Didn't Like About JapanesePod101
Assuming that you steadily learn the content and put in the necessary time, JapanesePod101 will give you a solid foundation in spoken Japanese. Period. However, no one language course can be 100% exhaustive. As I’ve written before, you should always use multiple resources to make progress in any language. With that said, here are some of the things that you won’t find included with this course:
Con #1: Lack of Speaking Practice
JapanesePod101 is great for building up your passive vocabulary and getting used to hearing the language spoken naturally. What it won’t give you is improved speaking proficiency. At least not immediately. For that you need to actually speak the language with friends or, better, a private tutor. JapanesePod101 doesn’t provide this with the Basic or Premium subscriptions, but the Premium PLUS membership does include 1-on-1 teaching time.
I’m of the opinion that learning to speak Japanese doesn’t need to be rushed. This goes for double if you’re a beginner-intermediate learner and don’t live in Japan yet. Focus on building up your passive knowledge first, which will give you a wider vocabulary and overall grasp of the language. Once you are understanding a fair amount of dialogue, you can upgrade your membership or jump online and hire a private tutor to get some practice hours in. But only when you are ready. Far too many people go too quickly, perhaps feeling obligated to start speaking immediately.

Con #2: The Kanji Basics
Although JapanesePod101 provides extremely thorough lesson notes and introduces new kanji systematically, you’ll still need a grounding in the kanji to get the basics down before these notes are useful. There are a number of ways to achieve this, but studying on your own will produce faster results than any offline Japanese class.
I personally recommend the Heisig Approach (covered in this article) to get a grasp on the kanji. Even if you don’t fully master all 2,000 of the commonly used characters, the Heisig course will get you comfortable with the radicals and general concept of kanji.

Con #3: Information Overload
While the quantity of lessons is amazing, it can also leave you feeling overwhelmed and lost for direction. For those who like to be hand-held through a language course and follow a strict curriculum, the JapanesePod101 methodology might be a bit of a struggle.
It’s unsurprising that the syllabus is a bit messy. JapanesePod101 is the flagship program of Innovative Language—with the largest library of lessons—and is constantly getting added to. They did try to counter this problem by grouping lessons into pathways, and believe it or not, there is actually a natural progression to the lessons. That being said, however, without a decent amount of independence and self-assessment, you can easily be left with gaps in your knowledge and a lack of motivation. For this reason, some learners may benefit from using JapanesePod101 as a supplementary tool alongside a more structured textbook.
Top Tip: The Premium PLUS membership will provide you with a fully personalized learning program with professional assessment and 1-on-1 language instruction. We highly recommend this option for those who like to have more structure and guidance in their learning progression.
Useful Extra Features & Tools
To aid you in mastering Japanese, there are a bunch of extra tools such as flashcards, a word bank, and Japanese dictionary that are available to use within the platform. It’s very nice to have these options for whenever you get bored during the lessons or just want to take a break. Browsing around these extra features was quite enjoyable. For example, we loved building up our own flashcard decks, and categorizing them all into interesting topics.

Similar to Anki or Quizlet, the flashcard feature within JapanesePod101 allows you to create your own flashcard decks, or choose a premade deck from a list of over 100 possible decks. You can go through and study each word in isolation and then test yourself when you’re ready, based on the audio, Kanji, transliteration or an image (your choice). It’s also very encouraging to see that the comments section is super active, with some decks having hundreds of comments from other learners just like yourself.
Ever learned a new word only to forget it the next day? The word bank ensures you never lose a word. At any point during a lesson or when learning new vocabulary, you can hit the plus icon and add a word (or phrase) to your word bank for you to review later. You can even categorize them into groups and export your entire list as an excel file. A great way to keep track of all your new vocabulary.
A comprehensive list of the 2541 most common words in the Japanese language. You can filter by category and by ranking (the most common 100 words, 200 words etc.) – very useful for selecting which vocab terms to learn, ensuring you don’t go off track by learning outdated or obsolete vocabulary.
100s of lists based on fun & interesting categories such as ‘Top Anime Words & Phrases’, ‘Inspirational Quotes’ and ‘Gossiping Phrases’.
Quite useful to have. Also includes expletives!
An added optional bonus. You’ll receive a new word to your inbox every day.
Got a niggling question about a specific grammar point? Can’t quite remember how to conjugate a verb? The grammar bank is really something unique that we haven’t seen in other programs by Innovative Language. You can search and filter by level, spelling and category, and get a detailed breakdown of the grammar with examples. The grammar bank is always being updated and added to – there’s over 400 articles at the time of writing this.
A list of useful phrases to get you started. Things like ‘good morning’ and ‘what’s your name?’.
Top tip: Click slideshow, toggle off the English, and select loop. You’ll then get a full hands-free audio rundown of all the phrases. Allow your brain to absorb the phrases as you listen to the phrases whilst cleaning your room, doing some exercise or stretching. Perfect for beginners.
The mobile app acts as a mirror-image of the browser based application, providing all of the same content. Having it all accessible from your mobile device is a huge selling point as it means you can practice lessons and review flashcards from anywhere.
One great addition is the JLPT practice tests, so you can test your knowledge before the actual exam. Our only complaint is that they are only for N4 and N5.
What are the Lessons like?
Audio Lessons
- The audio-only lessons are informative, usually engaging, and are presented with an easy to use media player with pause & play functions. There are sometimes additional tools to maximize the value of each lesson.
Video Lessons
- The video lessons are well-produced with nice graphics. The speakers are professional and concise in their dictation.
- Sometimes watching videos or listening to audio files doesn’t give someone all the tools they need to learn. Many people (like myself) need to read and study written material with structured lesson notes in order to best commit it to long term memory. Each and every lesson has an accompanying set of lesson notes that can be downloaded as an easy-to-read PDF.
A Sneak Peek Into Some of the Lessons
To give you a better idea of what to expect from the lessons, we thought it’d be a good idea to actually show you 3 sample topics from the Beginner, Intermediate, and Upper Intermediate levels:
Pathway: Business Japanese for Beginners (25 Lessons, almost 5 hours of audio content)
Content: In this pathway you’ll learn how to greet your boss & speak Japanese in a formal way, make a business phone call, introduce yourself formally in a meeting and arrange an appointment. It’s perfect for boosting your professional career and learning some formalities that are used in the workplace. The cultural nuances are meticulously explained in every lesson, and there’s an authentic dialogue with examples and transcripts to really hit home what you’ve learnt.
Pathway: Learn Japanese with Songs (6 Lessons, 42 mins of video content)
Content: A short and punchy set of lessons that introduce you to some popular Japanese music. You’ll watch interviews by prominent music artists such as Coma-Chi and BASI. You then get the opportunity to listen to some of their songs with both the Japanese and English subtitles. You’ll be singing along in Japanese to these catchy tunes in no time!
Pathway: JLPT N2 Master Course (104 Lessons, 24 Assignments, over 25hrs both audio & video content)
Content: This comprehensive mini course brings you up to speed with level N2 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Those who pass the JLPT N2 test are considered fluent enough to study in Japan. You’ll be introduced to lots of new grammar structures that are packaged neatly into some pretty interesting cultural topics like the concept of ‘karoushi’ (working to death) and some Japanese superstitions. This pathway comes with a multiple choice grammar assignment every few lessons or so to test you on what you’ve learned in the lessons.
Who Should Buy JapanesePod101?
JapanesePod101 is an excellent learning resource that will be incredibly useful if you are someone who:
- Has plans to live & work in Japan, and is looking to learn functional everyday language
- Wants to start a business in Japan and is looking to understand the business culture
- Is looking to take the JLPT exams to qualify for a university in Japan
- Has a keen interest in Japanese culture, food and traditions
- Enjoys the freedom of independent learning, from anywhere, at your own pace
Who Should NOT Buy JapanesePod101?
JapanesePod101 is not for everyone. The methodology goes against the norm of the traditional textbook approach, and so it’s not exactly everyone’s cup of tea. You might want to look elsewhere if you are someone who:
- Prefers a linear, standardized syllabus when learning a language
- Is only looking for speaking practice with native speakers
- Lacks the time or motivation for learning Japanese
JapanesePod101 vs. Competitors
When it comes to learning Japanese, there seems to be no shortage of content out there in the world to help you achieve this (admittedly challenging!) feat. Whether you are a casual learner seeking to expand your horizons, a businessperson with connections in Japan with a need to learn, or an avid language learning expert, there are lots of options out there. How does JapanesePod101 stack up to its competition?
JapanesePod101 vs Rocket Japanese
- Rocket Languages is a language learning company that has made it their mission to use technology to its fullest extent to help people learn languages. Their Japanese language program is very immersive and is offered at a competitive price to that of JapanesePod101. Their key selling point is that their content is offered at one price for life (They also offer a tiered membership level similar to JapanesePod101). The structure of the lessons is also similar to JapanesePod101 in that there is heavy emphasis placed on audio content.
JapanesePod101 Vs. FluentU
- FluentU is a language immersion company that has placed a big emphasis on video content to engage learners and teach 10 different languages. Their approach is unique in that they take videos from Youtube and add interactive captions. The concept is unique and interesting, however, one of the main complaints about FluentU’s platform is that they lack in content, and some of the content is from advertising/commercials. In a world where we are constantly inundated with advertising, the last thing we need is commercials in our language learning.
JapanesePod101 Vs Duolingo
- Duolingo is great because it’s free! While they do offer a paid version that adds a few features and removes advertising from the site, the free version is great as is. From short lessons that focus on teaching Japanese from the ground-up, to gamifying your language learning efforts, DuoLingo is a fun and interactive way to learn Japanese at your own pace. If you’re serious about learning Japanese, you might want to look elsewhere and use Duolingo as a sort of secondary service to reinforce the lessons learned in a more comprehensive program to learn Japanese.
How Much Does JapanesePod101 Cost? Is it Worth The Money?
JapanesePod101.com offers three levels of membership—Basic, Premium, & Premium PLUS—at different price points to help accommodate people of varying budgets. Anyone looking to sign up for a membership with JapanesePod101 should consider how serious they are about learning Japanese and also their budget.
The Basic, Premium, and Premium plus start at $4, $10, & $23 respectively. The Basic membership offers the bare minimum of access to the site’s extensive list of features, such as Japanese audio podcasts and lots of regular new lessons, while the Premium PLUS membership offers everything you would ever need to have to learn japanese plus the kitchen sink! The $10 version offers a healthy medium of value and affordability, and would be our suggestion for anybody who is serious about using JapanesePod101 as a way to learn Japanese.
What’s the Difference between JapanesePod101 Basic, Premium, & Premium PLUS?
- Basic
The three membership tiers are curated towards the interest and seriousness one has in learning Japanese. While the Basic Plan for $4 includes access to the thousands of lessons and their corresponding notes, there is plenty more content and features that are under ‘lockdown’ for Premium memberships only.
- Premium
The Premium membership, which starts at $10 per month, includes a wealth of features including, but certainly not limited to HD video lessons, 1,900 more core words and phrases, word banks, vocabulary slideshows, voice recording tools, and interactive lesson quizzes.
- Premium Plus
There is also a Premium PLUS membership, and starting at $23 per month, you can have a teacher assigned to you from JapanesePod101 that will custom tailor you a lesson plan and give you ongoing professional assessment, assignments, and curriculum for as long as you pay the monthly recurring fee. If you’re serious about learning Japanese, the Premium PLUS membership is for you.
Use Our Promo Code To Get 30% Off
We have a special deal going with JapanesePod101. If you sign up through our link, you’ll get 30% off the regular price. For this value, I can wholeheartedly recommend getting a membership.
Here’s the link:
We’re not sure how long this one will last, so take advantage while you can!
The Secret Lifetime Membership Option (Up To 77% Off!)
For those that don’t like monthly payments, JapanesePod101 has an exclusive lifetime membership package designed for those who want to make learning Japanese, and other languages, a lifetime pursuit.
They don’t really like to advertise it, but for a one-time payment of $599, you can purchase lifetime access to the ever-expanding JapanesePod101 content of materials at the Premium level. That means if you use the program for 5 years, you’ll be saving 60% off the regular price.
There are other deals too: adding an additional 2 languages (so a total of 3 languages) for $999, and even the option to purchase the entire Language Pod curriculum spanning 34 languages and hundreds of thousands of lessons, all at a Premium membership level.
This deal might be a head scratcher for some. I mean, who really needs access to learn 34 languages? That said, there are some people this might appeal to, such as avid world travelers, who may want to learn a bit of the language from every new country they visit. This one purchase could take care of all of your language learning needs forever.
JapanesePod101 Review Conclusion: One of The Best Options For Self Study of Japanese
So, is JapanesePod101 worth it? As someone who’s tried countless Japanese courses, I think JapanesePod101 is an excellent resource for learning Japanese, from beginners to advanced. For beginner to intermediate there are tons of lessons that cover a wide range of useful vocabulary, topics and cultural learning.
In the past, high intermediate and advanced learners may have complained that there was not quite enough material at their level to be worthwhile, but that has been addressed in recent years.
The teachers—for the most part—are entertaining and fun, which makes it feel less like a classroom and the language used within the course is both authentic and natural. JapanesePod101.com is a great way to learn Japanese and get some exposure to Japanese culture.
The course creators are constantly creating new and interesting lessons that are actually useful if you live (or want to live) in Japan. I certainly would have made even faster progress as an absolute beginner with my studies if I’d had this course back when I started learning Japanese!
Michael has lived in Japan on and off for almost 10 years. He loves studying Japanese, and is currently working on going from N2 to N1 on the JLPT.
Agreed. Japanese Pod is pretty solid. It has served me well so far.
Looks like they’ve added a lot more advanced lessons since I last used it. It’s great for farming sentences/vocabulary from the lesson transcripts and adding them to anki. Some of the dialogue is funny, follows a narrative, and you learn a good deal about Japan too. Must get back to it in 2017.